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Clothed with Confidance

Connecting Beyond the Clothing

History of Women in the Workplace

The scrutiny women face in the modern workplace is not new, and the articles below outline a brief history of the trials and tribulations that women have faced in the workplace since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. 

A Brief History of Women Wearing Pants

To women in Europe and the US, they came to represent power, equality, and freedom from the restrictions physical, social, and moral -foisted on them.

A Brief History of Black Hair, Politics, and Discrimination
The fashion industry says it stands against racism. Critics aren’t buying it

After years of systemic racism, cultural appropriation and insensitive creative decision -making, many Black people saw straight through social media posts made by the fashion industry in recent weeks.

The History Behind Uniforms Dictating A Woman's Place

Telling women what to wear has always been a tool of the patriarchy.

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